VoIP Phone Systems for Your Business
If you want a company who can work with integrating your business into your life, helping both to run smoother in the process…then you’ve finally found the right place.Voipster Communications specializes in solutions for your hard to fix problems. We offer more than just customizable VoIP phone system plans!
Done with overbooked phone lines that drop customers’ phone calls because you don’t have the capacity to answer your inflow? Voipster Communications can hold an infinite number of channels, allowing your customer to go through a specialized call panel or voicemail system, allowing you to never miss a call. VoIP phone systems can even set up your call panel to screen out pesky telemarketers.
Annoyed with having to file separate records for calls logged, faxes sent, and emails received? Our VoIP Phone systems can consolidate all of these communications into one simple space for you, holding records of these communications for as far back as you like. You don’t even need a fax machine: all of our faxes run as PDF files that are sent to fax numbers, just scan your documents in and go! The receiving line won’t see them any differently, and any return faxes can be routed directly to your inbox.
Drained from paying hefty bills for emergency management and on-call services? With Voipster Communications VoIP Phone System, all calls to your emergency line can be routed directly to your cell phone or any line you prefer, effectively eliminating one of the highest costs for service based industries. This is a possibility that encapsulates both toll and toll-free numbers as well.

Contact us Today and Receive a Free Consulatation! Let's talk about how we can help you
Customer First IT Our Installing Partners
Customer First IT are the most knowledgeable in their fields! Powered by VoIPster Communications. Any of our installations or in-person trouble shooting are performed by Customer First IT.
Check out all of their services here. They offer much more than just VoIP phone systems!